Tuesday, December 16, 2008

ComputerWeekly.com : E.on transforms financial insight with Oracle OLAP Option


The article above, published last week in ComputerWeekly, follows an earlier customer profile posted on OTN. E.on, one of Europe's leading energy suppliers, has gone live with a financial transformation software project that will give it an accurate view of the profits generated by each customer and provide better forecasting of future demand. E.on has accounts with over eight million customers in the UK. To quote directly from the project leader Lawrence Edwards: "It (accurate forecasting of demand, and, therefore, margin) is a massive problem because of the data volumes and complexity. Others have tried and failed, but we persevered."

It provides excellent proof points for the use of Oracle OLAP to solve business problems that require rapid data loading and analysis of large data volumes. The E.on system is currently operating at about 6Tb and is growing rapidly, with 150Gb of new data added every 14 hours. There is a great quote from Lawrence in the OTN PDF explaining what they have achieved using Oracle OLAP Option:

"The analytical power, centralized administration, and scalability of Oracle OLAP have allowed us to process and present data in a way that was not previously possible. This has provided us with an unprecedented depth of understanding of customers’ energy use and the demand for all our products and offerings"

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